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WIPO全球产品和服务指南:公私伙伴合作平台(WIPO Public-Private Partnerships )(系列报道之四(上))

2021-01-22 | 查看: 68

  本期文章介绍世界知识产权组织的六个公私伙伴合作平台,包括药物专利信息倡议(Pat-INFORMED)、WIPO Re:SearchWIPO GREEN、专业化专利信息查询(ASPI)、WIPO MATCH以及技术与创新支持中心(TISC)

  This article looks at Public-Private Partnerships hosted by WIPO, including Pat-INFORMED, WIPO Re:Search, WIPO GREEN, ASPI, WIPO MATCH and WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC).

WIPO 公私伙伴合作平台

WIPO Public-Private Partnerships

/Photo|王懿慈 Yici Wang

1.药物专利信息倡议 (Pat-INFORMED


The Patent Information Initiative for Medicines (Pat-INFORMED) provides a service to the global health community, particularly those involved in procurement of medicines, by facilitating easy access to medicine patent information. The data is provided directly by the biopharmaceutical companies and hosted by WIPO. It is of particular use to pharmaceutical procurement services and related specialists of national pharmaceutical services, ministries of health, national patent offices and international procurement agencies.


Anyone can search the Pat-INFORMED database simply by entering a medicine’s INN (International Nonproprietary Name) to obtain relevant information about its patent status in a particular country. Pat-INFORMED also provides a facility for procurement agencies to make follow-up inquiries directly with participating companies.

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操作路径   How to use it?




Type in the International Nonproprietary Name in the textbox like “Alectinib”, then click on Search;



After the search results are shown, you can see the protection status of the

patent in various countries on the right.

2.WIPO Re:Search

WIPO ReSearch致力于与被忽视的热带病、疟疾和结核病作斗争,通过促进广泛的创新合作来支持针对上述疾病治疗方法的早期研发工作。利用公私伙伴关系的力量,我们帮助科学家们获得他们所需的知识产权。

By catalyzing a broad range of innovative collaborations, WIPO Re: Search supports early-stage research and development (R&D) in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), malaria, and tuberculosis. Harnessing the power of public-private partnerships, we help make IP available to scientists who need it.

WIPO Re:Search如何提供帮助?

How can WIPO Re: Search help?

各相关机构可以通过WIPO Re:Search 平台免费与世界各地从事热带病、疟疾和结核病治疗方案研究的研究人员分享他们的知识产权、化合物构成、专业知识、设施和专有技术。

WIPO Re:Search allows organizations to share their IP, compounds, expertise, facilities and know-how royalty-free with qualified researchers worldwide working on new solutions for NTDs, malaria and tuberculosis.

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WIPO GREEN是一个用于技术交流的在线平台。它通过连接环保技术的提供者和寻求者,支持全球应对气候变化所做出的努力。通过其数据库、网络和加速项目,WIPO GREEN汇集了环保领域的主要参与者,以促进绿色技术的创新和推广。

WIPO GREEN is an online platform for technology exchange. It supports global efforts to address climate change by connecting providers and seekers of environmentally friendly technologies. Through its database, network and acceleration projects, it brings together key players to catalyze green technology innovation and diffusion.

WIPO GREEN创新技术和需求数据库

WIPO GREEN Database of Innovative Technologies and Needs

WIPO GREEN数据库是包含了全球可持续解决方案和需求的独特索引平台。该平台提供从原型到可销售产品的技术,可用于许可、协作、合资和销售。它还包含由公司、学术机构和非政府组织提出的正在寻找可以解决特定环境或气候变化问题的技术需求。

The WIPO GREEN database is a unique catalogue of sustainable solutions and needs across the world. It offers technologies from prototype to marketable products, available for license, collaboration, joint ventures, and sale. It also contains needs defined by companies, institutions, and non-governmental organizations looking for technologies to address specific environmental or climate change problems.

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 操作路径   How to use it?



Type in items in the textbox like “Clean Air”, click on Search;



After the results are shown, you can see more related information.

4.专业化专利信息 ASPI

 专业化专利信息查询”(ASPI)计划是世界知识产权组织管理的一项公私合作伙伴关系,是与多家领先的专利信息提供商合作建立的。通过ASPI计划, 符合资格的发展中国家专利局和学术研究机构可以免费或低价获得用于检索和分析专利数据的复杂工具与服务。

The Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI) program is a public-private partnership administered by WIPO and made possible through cooperation with leading patent information providers. Through the ASPI program, eligible patent offices and academic and research institutions in developing countries can receive free or low-cost access to sophisticated tools and services for retrieving and analyzing patent data.

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5.WIPO Match

WIPO Match是一个在线平台,可以将有具体知识产权相关发展需求的需求方与具备资源的潜在提供方相匹配。WIPO的作用是为合作提供便利,并宣传成功的匹配项目。这种服务增加WIPO的资源,并扩大了现有的合作伙伴关系。

WIPO Match is a free online tool used to match seekers of specific intellectual property (IP)-related development needs with potential providers offering resources. WIPO acts as a facilitator of cooperation and publicizes successful matches. The service amplifies WIPO’s resources and multiplies existing partnerships.

WIPO Match的确切目标是什么?

What exactly does WIPO MATCH aim to do?

WIPO Match是一个全球利益攸关方社区,旨在利用行业和私营部门的力量促进发展中国家、最不发达国家以及转型期国家的经济、社会和文化发展。它的做法是帮助知识产权技术援助需求方寻找项目和当地参与的相关提供方。

WIPO Match is a global stakeholders community which aims at harnessing the industry and private sector's power to promote economic, social and cultural development in developing countries, LDCs, as well as countries in transition. It does this by helping IP technical assistance seekers to find relevant providers for project and local engagements.

为何使用WIPO Match

Why use WIPO Match?

WIPO Match不仅仅是技术援助项目的平台,还是能够为知识产权与创新综合项目带来新机会的平台,例如公私伙伴关系、南南合作和三方合作项目。

WIPO Match is not only a platform for technical assistance projects, but also one which can bring new opportunities for integrated IP and innovation projects, such as private-public partnerships, south-south cooperation and triangular projects.

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Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC)


The WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) program provides innovators in developing countries with access to locally based, high quality technology information and related services, helping them to exploit their innovative potential and to create, protect, and manage their intellectual property (IP) rights.


  • 查阅在线专利和非专利(科学技术)资源及知识产权相关出版物;

  • 协助检索和查询技术信息;

  • 提供数据库检索培训;

  • 按需检索(新颖性、现有技术和侵权等);

  • 监控技术和竞争对手;

  • 工业产权法律、管理和战略以及技术商业化和营销等方面的基本信息。

Services offered by TISCs may include:

  • Access to online patent and non-patent (scientific and technical) resources and IP-related publications;

  • Assistance in searching and retrieving technology information;

  • Training in database search;

  • On-demand searches (novelty, state-of-the-art and infringement);

  • Monitoring technology and competitors;

  • Basic information on industrial property laws, management and strategy, and technology commercialization and marketing.


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